by admin | Dec 24, 2018 | Emotions, Happiness, Holistic Wellbeing, Life coaching, Manifesting, NLP, Spirituality
Prosperity, self-worth and relationships are all interlinked. They show you the story you have been telling yourself about yourself, and the life you’ve led. Your thoughts (the “story” you create about life events) leads to emotions (how you choose...
by admin | Oct 13, 2018 | Happiness, Holistic Wellbeing, Manifesting, Meditation, Mindfulness, NLP, Spirituality
Spiritual Meditation Techniques to Enrich your Connection So, you’ve awoken to the possibility that you are more than the bones beneath your skin. That you’re capable of seeing more than the life you see around you now. There is a knowing growing in the heart of your...
by admin | May 26, 2017 | Happiness, Life coaching, NLP
In this world of duality we like to think of things as good and bad, right and wrong, love or hate… And why not, everything we see around us has a polar opposites that help us to decide what we do and don’t want in our life. In fact that is the whole...
by admin | Apr 26, 2017 | Happiness, Life coaching, NLP
The elusive peace… how we all yearn to find peace in our crazy world… The luring desire to breathe, to enjoy, to let go, be free, still.. just smiling at the world as it goes about it’s daily dramas.. To know how to find peace we have to understand...
by admin | Mar 26, 2017 | Happiness, Life coaching, NLP
Where is the desire to fix your “flaws” coming from? Is it coming from inside you as a burning desire to be the perfect soul you came here to be? Or is it coming from outside? Do you operate as though you have to be a certain way in order to have more...
by admin | Mar 20, 2017 | Happiness, Life coaching, NLP
…is by being happy. And you thought there may be another get-fit-quick option you hadn’t yet read about!! Nope folks, that’s it. So many of us are trying to “look good”, to “lose weight” to get what exactly? A gorgeous...