“Your outer world reflects your inner workings“
The mind controls everything in our life experience. It controls our body’s movements, it controls the chemicals and hormones we release into our bloodstream which in turn control our moods and emotions. It is the overseer of whether we perceive an experience as good, bad or nondescript, and is the tool for deciphering what we do and do not want in our experience. Therefore, it would stand to reason that the mind drives what we bring into our existence, wanted and unwanted.
The brain itself is a muscle, and just like the muscles in the body, the brain gets worked and stressed.
Fun fact: Did you know we don’t build strength when we workout?
Working out actually weakens the body. It’s in rest that our intelligent body knows to repair itself to greater capability; increased lung capacity, extra bone mass, greater muscle density or leanness, fat loss and even brain neural network improvement. So our strength comes from rest and relaxation not from work itself.
And just like the body, the brain too needs to rest. Doesn’t just the thought of escape from thinking leave you feeling sooo gooood? To take a break from worry, stress, planning, organising, predicting…
Well that’s what meditation gives you…it’s a holiday for the mind…
Of course, just like starting a new exercise routine, the newness can feel uncomfortable and cause us to give in before it gets good. The reason being is that at the beginning the rewards may not outweigh the efforts because it takes time to adjust. Some meditation practices reap instant feel good rewards whereas others take time. But when you stay focussed on the fact that creating space in your mind will give you the ability to choose your thoughts, it becomes worth it. No longer will you have to put up with thoughts that leave you feeling bad, you will be in the driving seat, full control over your thoughts and emotions.
That’s also where I come in; I can help you find mindfulness or meditation techniques that are suited to your personality, temperament, time and life commitments. Just like a personal trainer, I will show you how to get the most out of your time and which meditations to use so that you create a lasting practice. My sessions are personalised one on one online or face to face if you’re based in Perth, Australia.
If you prefer to explore your own path, I provide plenty of information and guidance through my social media channels and via my website, so connect with me and feel free to share.
To get you started, here are my top tips for finding the meditation or mindfulness practice perfect for you.
This is by far the most essential tip and if you only did this you will find great success and satisfaction. The out breath is the only way you can consciously activate your parasympathetic nervous system, the one that calms the body. So use this out breath, long and slow throughout the day for instant peace.
Finding the style and practice that suits your personality and lifestyle is imperative to success. Get to know your preferred learning style and the type of practice that you will continue to enjoy.
What is easy to one is difficult to another. Choose the time, place, timeframe and regularity that feels manageable. Start with just 5 minutes.
Detach from goal setting and don’t look to anyone else to ascertain whether you’re succeeding or not. Meditation is an individual journey and experience, setting goals only leads to pressure.
In the beginning, it is important that you enjoy the process of discovery. If you set time goals that are too difficult for you, you may find yourself being “too busy”.
The biggest reasons people give up on new experiences is because it doesn’t live up to their expectations. Meditation is working from day one, but you may not feel it the very first time, so trust that it is always working for you and to keep looking for ways to enjoy it more.
You are free to vary your practice as often as you choose. If you like variety, then you can do something different every day. If you enjoy mastery, you may want to stick with one at a time but never force it. Reflect daily “am I loving this, or what can I do to enjoy it even more”.
Plan to set up your practice somewhere that is relaxing. No good doing it in your office if it causes you to think. If it’s first thing in the morning and it is cold, have a strategy in place that will make you feel warm and cosy (or not too cosy if you’re likely to fall back to sleep).
Come up with a plan that gets you “in the mood”. A good time is first thing in the morning before thoughts of the day get a chance to rush in. Perhaps though you may want to brush your teeth and wash your face, so you feel awake. You could start your ritual as you lie in bed thinking about how good you will feel, or start listing the things you love in life, or if you’re having a hard time and life is not feeling great play the “wouldn’t it be great if….” game listing things you would love to experience.
What could be the biggest inhibitor that will trip you up. Come up with strategies that will help you prevent this.
If you have a stubbornly busy mind, it may be good to have a pen and paper handy to jot down those persistent thoughts that are preventing, you from being still. Another good reason is that sometimes inspirations come through meditation, so it’s good to note those too. Write them down then let it go.
Having a plan in place that you can easily commit to for 30 days. A habit forms after 3 weeks so set yourself up with an idea you can easily achieve. Once you have the habit in place, it will be easy to change and mould to whatever you want. By this time, you will be experiencing such wonderful results that it will be easy.
When in doubt, call on me
All of my counselling sessions, programs and classes have techniques for calming the mind. Look out for more posts on meditation and mindfulness s types and techniques. I walk you through the pros and cons of each to help you select the practice you will love.
Free, no obligation, assessment