Now the hard part…your diet…
Years ago I enjoyed working out so hard because then I could eat what I wanted so I’d literally walk out of the gym and sit on the couch all night with a tub of Haagen-Daz.
I don’t believe in restricting yourself to the point of unhappiness especially since my whole motto is to make happiness the key driver to every decision you make (How to get the life you want blog)
I have seen many a friend follow all the “right” rules only to be bitter and miserable because the diet is so restrictive, or restaurants don’t cater, or cooking it is a pain, or it simply invokes pain at watching others enjoy what you can’t…all this defeats the underlying purpose of eating feel happy!!
Like I said in Happiness is… remember why you’re doing it and do it for that reason; not because you want a boyfriend (or a better one), not because that’s what social media says you should do but because you want to feel good and love the you inside.
Don’t worry, just keep following that and I promise you, once you love YOU…many others will follow…