Second Step…Get Moving!!

Second Step…Get Moving!!

As a teenager I was FULL of energy, heck I’ve always been full of energy but have had a high disregard (or low tolerance) for conformity, routine and discipline. My energy was flighty and unstable so exercise was excruciating. Many years ago I trained to be a...
Third Step – Challenge those thoughts

Third Step – Challenge those thoughts

How much time do you spend watching the tirade of billions of thoughts (instructions) you’re giving to yourself each and every millisecond? Did you know they send instruction deep into your unconscious to become firm beliefs you hold about yourself? Did you know...
Fourth step..Get clean!

Fourth step..Get clean!

Now the hard part…your diet… Years ago I enjoyed working out so hard because then I could eat what I wanted so I’d literally walk out of the gym and sit on the couch all night with a tub of Haagen-Daz. I don’t believe in restricting yourself to...
Most important fifth step: Don’t do it alone

Most important fifth step: Don’t do it alone

You have more help than you know… You know deep down that there is more to this life than what you see. You can feel it, you can sense it and your heart tells you it constantly. Don’t try to label it or find definitions because it is the undefinable. It is...